Professional data scientist currently working in the University of Eastern Finland. Strong knowledge of data analysis such as predictive modelling, survey methods and register based analysis. Previously worked with Data Warehousing, Data Lakes, Survey datasets and building data analysis infrastructure. Good project leading skills and hands-on toolbox for data analysis. Research background with a Master’s Degree focused in Social Science Statistics from the University of Helsinki. Interest in open source development, data visualization and automation. Skilled in R, Shiny, RMarkdown, Statistical Modelling, Statistical Weighting Methods, SQL databases, Register studies and Survey collection methods.
Explorative data analysis (EDA) application was made for exploring and visualizing medicine reimbursements data. With application user could investigate the population characteristics and prescripted medicines.
Demo-sovellus, jolla voidaan visuaalisesti tutkia Alzheimer potilaiden sairaalatapahtumia ennen ja jälkeen diagnoosin. Data itsessään on syntetisoitu, mutta se kuvaa reaalimaailman ilmiötä. Kehitetty yhteistyöprojektina Itä-Suomen yliopiston, Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan ja Roche oy:n kanssa.
Application made a report of selected medicines and automatically modelled differences between medicine prescriptions in health care sectors.
Find brain disease and nervous system related clinical trials which are held in Finland. Webpage downloads data from API and presents information in database format.
Application visualized current population, history and prediction. Data was collected from SQL-database and analysed in R. In this application I tested how prediction models can be part of visualisations and graphical user interface.
Which municipalities contains more eldery people? Finnish population visualized to map by municipalities.
Contributing work in regstudies R-package. Package has tools and functions for wrangling register based datasets.
Selected collection of articles, presentations or talks, most likely on data analysis and healthcare related. Check my publications in pdf.
See all Publications for more examples!
Currently I’m working with AiHUB project where I’m developing automated reporting for data analysis for different kind of patient datasets. Before moving to AiHUB I worked as a data scientist in Neurocenter Finland project. My responsibilities included consulting, designing and developing internal data projects, and working in collaboration with Kuopio University Hospital for building a Data Lake environment.
My responsibilities included e.g. collecting data from different sources, cleaning the data and make it more useful for further analysis, developing data driven methods for data analyses and advanced data analysis programs/visualisations, consulting co-workers in data driven problems and teaching R programming in workshops. I was also responsible of building R packages (for company needs) and coordinating the architecture of data science programming environment.
I worked as a master data product owner in a data warehouse project. As a product owner my first priority was to improve master data quality. I worked as a team with departments with different requirements. Role gave me insight of how data warehouse production works, what are the challenges and how solve the problems. My other responsibilities included advanced data analysis and supporting co-workers with data driven problems (e.g. R coding, SQL queries and data wrangling)
Research project studied the social security and healthcare system in the city of Oulu in Finland. My responsibilities included coordinating the project, as well as wrangling and analysing the data, presenting the results, writing articles and developing interactive GUI´s with R (Shiny-package).
My responsibilities included developing work in data warehouse project (ETL loadings), statistical help in researches and writing articles. I participated in five publications as a writer and in two seminars as a speaker. I learned basics of data warehouse production (ETL loadings and SQL databases) and gained more insights as a researcher.
As a trainee I studied Survey collection methods and statistical weighting methods. I applied statistical weighting methods in Internet Surveys to minimise selection bias. During my training, I learned procedures of research, writing articles and presenting the results.