Explorative data analysis (EDA) application was made for exploring and visualizing medicine reimbursements data. With application user could investigate the population characteristics and prescripted medicines.
Demo-sovellus, jolla voidaan visuaalisesti tutkia Alzheimer potilaiden sairaalatapahtumia ennen ja jälkeen diagnoosin. Data itsessään on syntetisoitu, mutta se kuvaa reaalimaailman ilmiötä. Kehitetty yhteistyöprojektina Itä-Suomen yliopiston, Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan ja Roche oy:n kanssa.
Application made a report of selected medicines and automatically modelled differences between medicine prescriptions in health care sectors.
Find brain disease and nervous system related clinical trials which are held in Finland. Webpage downloads data from clinicaltrials.gov API and presents information in database format.
Application visualized current population, history and prediction. Data was collected from SQL-database and analysed in R. In this application I tested how prediction models can be part of visualisations and graphical user interface.
Which municipalities contains more eldery people? Finnish population visualized to map by municipalities.