Survey weights
### Survey computing your own post stratification weighhts in R ###
# check also:
# Data
# Then we create the unweighted survey object:
small.svy.unweighted <- svydesign(ids=~1, data=small)
# Population data frames, margins
sex.dist <- data.frame(sex = c("M", "F"),
Freq = nrow(small) * c(0.45, 0.55))
edu.dist <- data.frame(edu = c("Lo", "Mid", "Hi"),
Freq = nrow(small) * c(0.30, 0.50, 0.20))
# Compute the weights by putting together the marginal distributions from before with our data
small.svy.rake <- rake(design = small.svy.unweighted,
sample.margins = list(~sex, ~edu),
population.margins = list(sex.dist, edu.dist))
# How are the weights?
# Trimming
# It works by setting weights below and above the limits to the limits’ values.
# The weight that is now “missing”, is divided equally among the cases that were not affected by the trimming operation.
# This can sometimes push cases above the limit.
# To prevent this, specify the option strict=TRUE.
small.svy.rake.trim <- trimWeights(small.svy.rake, lower=0.3, upper=3, strict=TRUE)