To start coding with R you need to know few basic commands.
getwd() # print the Current Working Directory - cwd
ls() # list the objects in the current workspace
setwd("./") # set working directory to "./"
# View and set options for the session:
help(options) # learn about available options
options() # view current option settings
options(digits=3) # example: number of digits to print output
# Work with your previous commands
history() # display last 25 commands
history( # display ALL previous commands
# Save your command history
savehistory(file="myfile") # default is ".Rhistory"
# Recall your command history
loadhistory(file="myfile") # default is ".Rhistory"
# Save the workspace to the file .Rdata in the cwd
# Save/load specific objects to a file
# if you don't specify the path, the cwd is assumed
q() # quit R. You will be prompted to save the workspace.
More useful functions
lenght() # number of elements or components
str() # structure of an object
class() # class or type of an object
names() # names
c(object,object,...) # combine objects into a vector
cbind(object, object, ...) # combine objects as columns
rbind(object, object, ...) # combine objects as rows
object # prints the object
ls() # list current objects
rm(object) # delete an object
newobject <- edit(object) # edit copy and save as newobject
fix(object) # edit in place
Folders and files
In R you can create folders and text files by simple commands.
# Create new TempFolder
# Create an empty text file in TempFolder
# Create text file and write few lines of text there
fileConn <- file("./TempFolder/tekstitiedosto.txt")
writeLines(c("Hello", "World"), fileConn)
zipnimi <- "" # new zip file name
# Zip files
filut <- list.files("./MyCodes/", recursive=TRUE)
zip(zipnimi, files=paste(d, files, sep="/"))
# Unzip
unzip(zipnimi, exdir = "./temp")
File copy
# copy the files to the new folder
file.copy(from=filestocopy, to=targetdir, recursive = FALSE, copy.mode = TRUE)
Packages and libraries
.libPaths() # get library location
library() # see all packages installed
search() # see packages currently loaded